We’re the weirdos behind The Rude Baguette.

1) the Techbaguette

Roxanne Varza. Born the same day as Joseph Schumpeter (only a few years later), she loves everything that has to do with innovation and entrepreneurs.

And France.

So after working for the Invest in France Agency with Silicon Valley tech startups for 2 years, she decided to head to Paris in 2009 to pursue a joint master’s degree at Sciences Po Paris and the London School of Economics.

At the time, she did not own an iPhone.

During the academic year in France, she woke-up one morning as the Editor of TechCrunch France. Shortly thereafter, she decided to co-found Girls in Tech Paris and co-organize the first international edition of the Failcon conference in Paris.

Since then, she’s been roaming Europe – seeking shelter in all kinds of geeky places – and eating electronics and steak tartare on occasion.

Blog: Techbaguette (duh)

Twitter: @roxannevarza

2)The Rude Hitchhiker

Some may describe him as shy, others say he was born from the flames of Phoenix – most know the truth, which is that they don’t know him.


Growing up skating down Sand Hill road past the world’s largest VC firms, Liam never really thought he’d end up writing about them and wanting what they have, but then again, he never really had a chance. Raised on school electives of computers classes, and having startups in his blood, Liam found himself in France post-University and the calling was too strong.

During his time as Community Manager at Plizy, Liam realized that there was a problem with all the articles he was reading about the startup scene – if they were in English, they were written in the US, and if they were in France, they were in French. He launched an English-language blog with the express intention of communicating all the great things he saw in Paris.

Your Pre-TechCrunch Press Guy

Now a regular at most Paris tech events, Liam shows off the coolest new startups before they ever look for their first TechCrunch article. Liam often recounts his First Impressions of events, groups and meetups, in order to encourage those in the Paris tech scene to get out there and get moving.

Blog: The Writings of The Rude HitchHiker (double-duh)

Twitter: @LiamBoogar

3) Noodles

Noodles. The office spaghetti monster, he looks a little depressed but that’s just because he has no facial features (as he is entirely made out of pasta). He’s actually a very happy-go-lucky monster, underneath it all.

Noodles has dual citizenship to both France and the United States, lucky bastard.

Prior to joining the Rude Baguette, Noodles had an extensive career at one of the 16 Google canteens in Mountain View, California. When Google began closing some of their unnecessary canteens during the economic crisis in 2008, he made the switch to Facebook (some of his colleagues were featured in this NY Times article).

Today, Noodles spends most of his time poking people.

And hanging out in some café in Berlin. He doesn’t blog much (he is working on a book that is to be published next year). But he does tweet an awful lot.

Twitter: @jesuisNoodles

2 Comments on “THE WEIRDOS”

  1. November 7, 2011 at 3:07 pm #

    Add me as the one of the first commentators on your blog..LOOOOOOOL

  2. November 7, 2011 at 3:09 pm #

    Please, please, please add a link to the homepage on your logo, I am pi**ed off searching for the “home” link each time I want to return to the home page

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